General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my listeners of the causes of homelessness
Central Idea: Factors that contribute to homelessness
I. Attention material
1. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness the recession will lead
approximately 1.5 million people to be homeless within 2 years
2. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - since January 2007, 671,000
people have experienced homelessness
a. 58% shelters/transitional housing; 42% unsheltered
b. 1/50 (1.5 million) are children (2009 Study by National Center for Family
II. Orientating material
1. 23% chronically homeless, unaccompanied homeless person with disabling condition
(substance abuse, serious mental illness, developmental disability or physical illness)
2. Continuously homeless within year or more - homeless four times within 3 years and
sleeping in places not meant for human habitation or emergency homeless shelters
3. Highest ranking states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada,
Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington-state, and Washington D.C.)
(Transition: let's look at the factors of homelessness)
I. Lack of employment
A. Low wages, reduced hours, job loss
1. Little or no education/skills
a. Lack of motivation
1) Death of family/friend
2) National disaster/fire
2. Lack of affordable housing
a. Roomates don't pay their share of rent
b. Decline in public assistance
1) Welfare may not be relief from poverty
B. Divorce
1. Lack of child support
a. Non-custodial parent fails to pay child support
b. Decrease in income hard to pay rent, utilities
2. Domestic violence
a. Battered women in poverty may be forced to chose between abusive
relationship and homelessness
3. Drug and alcohol problems
Rates disapproportionately high among homeless population
C. Illness/physical disablities
1. Mental illness - 20-25% single adult population
a. Post-traumatic stress disorder
1) Violent situations make it difficult to maintain stable life
b. Severe depression
1) Difficult to maintain stable life
(Transition: Let's take a look at some statistics for homelessness)
II. Statistics
A. 2008 U. S. Conference of Mayors Study
1. 40% (200,000) veteran men homeless
B. Demographics
1. 2006 study among races
a. 39% non-hispanic whites
b. 42% African-American
c. 13% Hispanic
d. 4% Native American
e. 2% Asian
2. Urban/rural communities
a. 71% Central cities
b. 21% Suburbs
c. 9% Rural
3. Health problems (1996 Samhsa's National Mental Health Information
a. 38% alcohol use
b. 29% drug use
c. 39% mental health
d. 66% substance abuse with mental health
e. 3% HIV/Aids
f. 26% Acute health problems (tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases,
(Transition: Let's look at legislation for homelessness)
III. Legislation
A. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (1987) President Ronald Reagan
1. Consists of several programs that has helped hundreds of thousands of
Americans regain stability and financial independence
2. Programs such as emergency shelters, tranisitional housing, job training,
healthcare, permanent housing
(Transition: Review)
I. Summary
1. Some contributing factors of homelessness - lack of employment, divorce, no
affordable housing, natural disaster/fire, drug/alcohol problems, and mental illness
physical disablitites/illness
2. There has been legislation signed into law to help relieve causes of homelessness
II. Clincher
1. Is there any way we can do our part to help end homelessness in America?
2. Questions?
3. Thank you
III. Bibliograhpy
1. Causes of homelessness. Factors Contributing to Homelessness.
http://homelessresourcenetwork.org/causes.html. Retrieved 18 Apr. 2012.
2. Facts and Figures: The Homeless. Now on PBS.
http://www.pbs.org/nav/shows/526/homeless-facts.html. Retrieved 18 Apr. 2012.
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