Jennifer Hills (Sarah Butler), comes from the city to rent an isolated cabin in the country to write her next novel. But a group of local “men” decide to subject Jennifer to a nightmare of degradation, rape, and violence. Assuming she is dead, the “men” are at the mercy of their victim as she inflicts on them severe and physical torment that far surpasses the ordeal she endured from them. When it is all over, not one attacker is standing as the victim becomes the victor.
As appalling as this movie sounds, some good performances came out of this movie. Sarah Butler was ferocious as Jennifer Hills, the victim of a horrendous act who emerges the victor. Jeff Branson (All My Children), Daniel Franzese (Bully), Rodney Eastman (A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 & 4), Chad Lindbergh (Supernatural), Tracey Walter (The Silence of the Lambs), and Andrew Howard (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) were all engaging as Jennifer’s attackers. As emotionally unsettling and disturbing as the title suggests, the cast provided an exhilarating ride to see how the victim would take revenge on her attackers.
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