How Do You Know If You or Your Partner Is Micro-cheating?
Your ex asks you out for coffee and you forget to tell your partner? You find a suggestive text in your partner’s phone from a co-worker? Do you check an ex’s Facebook profile, then find yourself sending messages, meeting up, or worse, hooking up?
All of these things may be innocent, but could these be cheating when you’re in a relationship?
What Is Micro-cheating?
As innocent as it may sound, flirting, masturbating or even watching porn could be problematic for a partner when you’re in a relationship.
Some might even say it spices up our relationship, but can you go too far with these trivial things?
Warning Signs of Micro-cheating?
· Have you or your partner sent texts to a friend using flirty or suggestive language?
· You or your partner flirted in public and the other felt out of place?
· You or your partner’s friends suggest they feel awkward when talking with friends?
· Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat have opened messages from people you don’t know?
· You or your partner’s friends don’t know you’re in a relationship?
· Do you or your partner tell exciting news and mentions a friend’s name as well?
· You or your partner make friends with new people you or your partner know nothing about?
· You or your partner talk about how incredible a new person is?
· You or your partner fail to text each other back, but when together, you are constantly texting other people?
· You or your partner’s Facebook profile shows people flirting and you or your partner don’t mind?
· You or your partner are out with friends in public and stick to one particular person?
· You or your partner make jokes about ending up with a friend one day?
Is Micro-cheating All Bad?
While there is a fine line between these areas, is micro-cheating al bad? Can a little flirting be healthy in a relationship? Some say it may make one feel desired when a co-worker says something nice that may be construed as flirting. And when you catch someone flirting with your partner, do you feel happy knowing other people find your partner appealing or interesting or do you find yourself feeling jealous?
In Conclusion
What may be problematic for one couple may not necessarily be so to another couple. What is important is to talk with your partner and define the parameters for your relationship so each of you will know what bothers the other and what each of you will allow.
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