Word of the Day: Tintinnabulation

Tintinnabulation:  [tin-te-na-bye-la-shen]

Part of speech:  noun

Origin:  Latin, mid-19th century

1.  The ringing of bells

2.  A tinkling sound, like that of a bell

Examples used in a sentence:

1.  I always look forward to the joyous tintinnabulation at church during the Christmas season.

2.  The faint tintinnabulation in my ears is starting to drive me crazy.

About Tintinnabulation
The largest bell in the world is believed to be Moscow’s Tsar Bell, which weighs nearly half a million pounds and is 20 feet tall.  The bell would probably produce a pretty loud tintinnabulation – if it weren’t broken.

Did You Know?
We know tintinnabulation to mean “the ringing of the bells.”  It shouldn’t be surprising, then, that tinnitus is the medical term for a chronic ringing in the ears.
