Novel Writing Plan

Focus on the novel’s setup
Things to determine: 
·         What traits do you want your readers to know right away?
·         How might you show those traits in action?
·         What likable qualities does your protagonist have?
·         How can you show those qualities in your opening scene or first chapter?
The problem the opening scene deals with
·         What problem might your protagonist face when the novel opens?
o   Hook readers
o   Lead plot to core conflict
Inciting the event
·         If this event did not happen, there would be no novel. It either drives your opening or is the bridge between your opening scene and the beginning of the middle (act two).
Focus on how problems get solved in the middle
Things to consider:
·         How the setup transitions to the middle
·         The major problem or event revealed in the middle
·         How the middle transitions to the ending
Focus on how the novel ends
Things to determine:
·         How the protagonist plans to defeat the antagonist
·         How the novel ends
·         How the protagonist is changed by the experience
Focus on major turning points of the story
Flesh out whatever you need to write your novel.
