In Memoriam: Celebrities Lost 1877


Cornelius Vanderbilt

Crazy Horse

Brigham Young

Nathan Bedford Forest

Gustave Courbet

Jung Badadur Rana

Henry Fox Talbot

Caroline Chisholm

Walter Bagehot

Juan Manuel De Rosas

Caroline  Norton

Urbain Le Verrier

Alexander Bain

James Douglas

Sophie of Wurttemberg

Antoni Patek

Amalie Auguste of Bavaria

Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff

Princess Marie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach

William Lovett

Saigo  Takamori

Gustav, Prince of Vasa

Lela Pandak Lam

Anthimus VI of Constantinople

Raphael Semmes

Adolphe Thiers

Constantine Kanaris

Charles Wilkes

Mercy Ruggles Bisbee Jackson

Edward Belcher

Yakub Beg

Kiov Takayoshi
