In Memoriam: Celebrities Lost 1851


Mary Shelley

J. M. W. Turner

James Fenimore Cooper

John James Anderson

Hans Christian Orsted

Louis Daguerre

Carl Gustave Jacob Jacobi

Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

Rama III

Karl Drais

Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Joanna Baillie

Albert Lortzing

Manuel de Godoy

Joel Roberts Pointsett

Francisco Montes Reina

Marie-Louise Coidavid

Josefa Segovia


Sylvester Graham

Henry Luttrell

John Brown Russwurm

Jean-de-Dieu Serult

Henry Miller Shreve

Lorinz Oken

Therese Maffalli

Dean Mahomed

Stranko Vraz

Petar II Petrovic-Njegos

Princess Augusta of Bavaria
