In Memoriam: Celebrities Lost 1790

Joseph Anton Feuchtmayer

Johan Trier

Antonio Corbisiero

John Stinstra

Luc Unbain de Bouexic, Comte de Guichen

John Landen

Thomas Leavis

William Cullen

Capel Bond

Wilhelm Gottfried Enderlee

Jean-Baptiste Keumpholz (Jankefritel Krumpholz)

Joseph II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

Johann Friedrich Kloffer

Flora McDonald

Andrea Studik

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Fathers of the United States (FFOTUS)

Matthew Tilghman

William Clingan

Philip Yorke

Thomas Warton

Jeremiah Carlton

Israel Putnam

Charles-Joseph Van Helmont

Feike Van de Crew

Franciscus "Frans" Hemsterhais

Ernst Gideon Freiherr von Laudon

Adam Smith

Johann Bernhard Basedow

William Livingston

Johann Christian Frischmuth

Johann N von Hontheim

Thomas Norris

