In Memoriam: Celebrities Lost 1721

Rochas Aerts

James Stanhope, 1st Earl of Stanhope

James Craggs, the Younger

John  Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham/Normanby

Jan Luyts

James Craggs, the Elder

Clement XII (Giovanni F. Albani)

Michael Chambillart

Mary Read

Elihu Yale

Jean-Antoine Walteau

Geleyn Evertsen

Grinling Gibbons

Jacques Lelong

Bernhard Albinus

Michael Brokoff

Rudolf J. Cumererius

Matthew Prior

Thomas Doggett

Benott Audran

Abraham Alewijn

Edward Colston

Alexander Selkirk

Richard Lumley, 1st Earl of Scarborough

Nathaniel Hawes

