In Memoriam: Celebrities Lost 1550

Andrea Alciato

Juan de Dias

Claude of Lorraine, Duke of Guise

John, Cardinal of Lorraine

Ashikaga Yoshiharu

Johann Spangenberg

Veronica Gambara

Thomas Wriotthesley, 1st Earl of Southampton

Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle

Hans (Johann) Vischer

Tiedemann Giese, Polish Catholic Bishop

Ulrich, Duke of Wurttemberg

Jon Arason, last Roman Catholic Bishop/Iceland

Pieter Coecke van Aeist

Richard Plantagenet (Richard of Eastwell)

Andrea Alciato

Juan de Dias

Claude of Lorraine, Duke of Guise

John, Cardinal of Lorraine

Ashikaga Yoshiharu

Johann Spangenberg

Veronica Gambara

Thomas Wriotthesley, 1st Earl of Southampton

Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle

Hans (Johann) Vischer

Tiedemann Giese, Polish Catholic Bishop

Ulrich, Duke of Wurttemberg

Jon Arason, last Roman Catholic Bishop/Iceland

Pieter Coecke van Aeist

Richard Plantagenet (Richard of Eastwell)

