Saturday, October 27, 2018

Daily Bible Reading 59

Being torn again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.  –1 Peter 1: 23
The new birth is the beginning of life in Christ.  We know only God can regenerate a soul dead in sin and make it alive in Christ.  Yet, it is equally true that God uses His Word in bringing about the new birth.  The Spirit of God takes the “incorruptible seed” and plants it in our hearts.  It then grows and matures and abides forever in us.
We pray that our lost loved ones may receive your grace and respond to the Gospel message preached or simply read in their Bible or otherwise taught.  We pray also that we who have experienced the new birth may continue to grow and bear fruit for God by means of the Word that birthed us.
Lift You Up
By David Jacobs
All humans stumble…how we get up is a testament of our faith.  –Isaiah 40: 28-31
I can still remember one day when I made a huge in judgment.  I said something that I should never have said to my girlfriend at the time, making her incredibly upset.  It seemed as if I said the thing solely to make her upset and sad, and it made me question what I was doing with my life and with her.  to make matters worse, I didn’t want to admit fault, didn’t want to admit my mistake to her, because it made me rehash the pathetic behaviors that I had displayed.  Our relationship ended soon after, but it took me 2 years to apologize to her for the remarks that I made.  At least it was better late than never, or that’s what I told myself.
Everybody falls down.  Everybody makes mistakes.  It is not about falling down, it is about how you get up.  With a strong faith in God, when we fall, He will strengthen us through His divine Word.  We will have the power that we do not even know exists, fortified by our rock, redeemer, and strength.  As Isaiah says, we will be lifted up on eagles’ wings, and when even the young fall after growing faint and weary, the Lord will lift them up, and they will be strengthened.
Think of a time where you stumbled mightily.  How did you respond?  Were you cowardly like I was?  or did your faith in God strengthen you, lifting you up faster than you fell?